Taking the Mystery out of Findings of Fact

Published: June 14, 2021

This content conveys general information. Do not use it as a substitute for legal advice. Any attorney general opinions cited are available from the League’s Research staff.


遵守市政土地使用法规对城市官员和居民来说都是困难的. Sometimes cities need to make controversial decisions, and no matter what the result, 有人会不开心.

这个过程的一个重要部分是制定和采用书面的“事实发现”来解释决定. 仔细和深思熟虑的书面调查结果可以帮助解决一个有争议的问题,因为它迫使官员将他们的调查重点放在相关的考虑上. 它还产生了一个记录,使法院在受到质疑时更容易维持判决.


“事实调查结果”是一个常用术语,用于指城市对土地使用决定的书面解释. The term originates from the courts, 法官通常通过发布题为“事实发现和法律结论”的文件来解释他们的决定.他们列举相关事实,然后将这些事实应用到相关法律标准中得出结论.

Like courts, cities sometimes need to apply facts to law to make a decision. In administering land use ordinances, 市稳定的十大彩票网站必须经常确定与特定请求相关的事实,然后将这些事实应用于法律标准.

This process is called “quasi-judicial,市政当局只能将现有规则应用于所呈现的事实. If the facts indicate an applicant meets the relevant legal standards, then they may be entitled to the approval.


  • Conditional or interim use permits
  • 分区差异
  • A subdivision or plat approval.

If a city is sued over a land use decision, 法院将审查记录,以充分说明市稳定的十大彩票网站批准或拒绝该请求的理由. If the city denies an application relating to zoning, 明尼苏达州esota’s 60-day rule requires the reasons for a denial be put in writing (明尼苏达州. 统计. § 15.99). 即使申请被批准,解释决定的书面结果也是可取的. Findings should provide a court with everything needed to uphold the decision.




事实的发现应该向读者解释这个城市是如何以及为什么做出这个决定的. 该文件应:

  • 确定相关的法律标准,如法定标准或代码条款.
  • Explain the relevant facts relating to the particular application.
  • Apply those facts to the legal criteria.


Before setting out to find facts, a little investigation is needed. A crucial early step is to identify the relevant legal standards.

例如, 有条件使用许可的申请须遵守城市条例中应阐明的标准. Determine exactly what ordinance standards apply. Reference and quote the relevant standards in your findings.


事实调查结果应陈述该市在作出决定时所考虑的所有相关事实. 证明或者不证明申请符合法定标准的,为相关事实.

例如, 如果申请人正在申请有条件使用许可证,而交通对邻近物业的影响是条例标准, then the city should look for facts related to traffic impacts. 重要的是通过描述相关事实来处理每一个相关的法律标准.


Like a math exam in school, it is important to be complete and to “show your work.” Showing your work can be more important than reaching a particular result. 解释城市在判断申请时遵循的推理方法有助于确保城市走在正确的轨道上. 如果读者不用猜测就能知道你是如何得出结果的,那么你就展示了自己的成果. But if the reader is left guessing, then the city may be on shaky ground.


一个简单的技巧是使用“因为”这个词,以确保调查结果充分地将决策与法律标准联系起来.” Read each statement carefully before completing the finding. 你在每个发现中“因为”后面所写的内容必须支持介绍该发现的语句. 类似的方法是将标准表述为问题,然后提供详细的答案.


不要假设读者了解你的城市或有任何关于决策的背景. Present a complete picture, by telling the whole story. Written findings should be clear to someone unfamiliar with the matter. 一个对你的城市或主题财产一无所知的人应该能够阅读调查结果,并知道城市做出了什么决定及其原因.


Sometimes issues arise that don’t relate to the legal standards. 如果市政官员开始讨论和辩论申请的事实,而不局限于相关的法律标准, they can waste a lot of time and energy on issues that don’t lead to a solution. Arguments about irrelevant facts will lead the city astray. Don’t include irrelevant facts in your findings.


在考虑特定土地使用请求的优点时,邻居的反对是一个具有挑战性的问题. 判例法认为,邻居的意见不应成为某一特定城市行动的唯一依据. 居民可以提供与法律标准相关的有用信息, opposition alone is never a legally relevant finding. (明尼苏达州etonka Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Inc. v. Svee, 226 N.W.2d 306(明尼苏达州. 1975)).


Findings must adequately describe the reasoning for a decision. 模棱两可的, conclusory, 或者套话通常不能充分解释决定的基本原理. Merely restating or “parroting” the legal standard is not enough. It is important to state the legal criteria. But the city must do more and explain 为什么 the standard is or is not met.


Presentation can be important if you want to be taken seriously. 所以,检查你的拼写,使用正确的语法,避免使用代词,不要试图搞笑. If you take the care to present well, 它强化了这样一种观念,即这座城市知道自己在做什么,并有合理的理由采取行动.


有时候,一个城市可能会发现自己不知所措,寻求指导是很重要的. Be sure you understand the statements in your findings. 例如, if you do not know what the comprehensive plan provides, 在你了解全面计划的内容之前,不要试图完成一个关于它的发现. Consult a planner or the city attorney or contact the League.


书面调查结果应确定相关的法律标准(如法定标准或法典条款), explain the relevant facts about the particular application, and then apply those facts to the legal criteria to reach a conclusion.

Sometimes more than one conclusion is possible. 如果市稳定的十大彩票网站认真研究出与相关法律标准相关的事实, there should be no mystery as to 为什么 the city reached the decision it did.

View sample findings of fact from the City of Grant and others (pdf)